Just The Basics

Hi there! Welcome to my blog page. A little bit about me: College student majoring in Journalism. Writing is a passion of mine that I hope one day can take me very far. I wish to be an Author or even a Travel Writer. I also write poetry and songs from time to time. I feel my happiest when I have a pen in my hand. I don't feel confined to the normality of day to day life, yet I feel free enclosed in the words and thoughts that flow through my pen. I hopefully one day travel to South Korea, China, Thailand, and Japan.

I am also a huge beauty lover. Beauty is actually something I came to love. My senior year was really when I got into makeup, skincare, beauty in general. From there, I have became a self-made Freelance Makeup Artist and Guru, I'm obviously not the Jackie Aina of the beauty world, but I feel like I'm good enough to give myself that title. I have my own YouTube channel as well, "Sage Monae" is my name, just in case anyone wants to subscribe.

Any K-pop lovers out there? One is right here! K-pop is my favorite hobbies, a hobby that has taken over for 4 years now. The idols are perfect, music is perfect, everything is just perfect. With minor racial hatred because I'm brown-skinned and listening to Korean music, but I don't really care anymore about what people say about me. My love for K-pop is what makes me unique.

I am also a huge food lover. Any kind is fine with me! When I travel, I want to eat everything!

My blog is basically what makes me who I am and how I am. I am Sage. The one who is still seeking herself in this complicated thing: that is life. There have been some ups and down, but I have never let that stop me from achieving my goals and dreams in life.

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Thursday, August 31, 2017

K-Music Thursdays: Mini Introduction

Since I am a huge fan of Korean music, not just K-pop, but all the genres, I decided to dedicate every Thursday to strictly Korean music. From my favorite groups, solo artist, dance practices, the whole enchilada! Now, not trying to show to much favoritism, but my favorite group is Seventeen. Just letting you know now, A LOT of my post just might be Seventeen related. Of course within Seventeen, I have my ultimate bias of all time, Woozi, post are going to be made about him too: A LOT, just saying. I have a lot of favorites so these post will be a bit lengthy. Next Thursday's post will be about how I basically got into Korean music, what group I first heard about will also be mentioned in the post as well. There will be tons of pictures in these post, just in case some of you guys aren't familiar with what these idols and their concepts look like.

I am warning you now, these idols are beyond beautiful. Their talents and voice ranges mixed in with their amazing dance skills, just might leave you in 'Awe'. Just a fair warning, can't say I didn't warn you. 😏

Thanks for readingπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

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